Web 3 education and market cap were the biggest contributions that massively successful web 3 projects had on society. Back in the pandemic era of crypto-optimism, there once was a project called Bored Ape Yacht Club (it’s still alive and kickin’). This NFT project was second-to-none in creating a massive wave of web 3 technology adopters. Millions of people signed up for MetaMask wallets and started their journey into crypto-land.
The NFT market started a wave of technological innovation in many diverse fields including AI art generation and natural language processing, blockchain protocols and smart contracts, and even hardware. With a bunch of news coverage on the topic, people eventually started asking, “What’s an NFT?” and “What is Web3?”.
How Will Web3 Be Better?
The state of the internet today is a resilient yet fragile one. There are all these things in place to mitigate the problem of a server going down from malicious forces. But they still do. There’s all these checks in place to make sure customer information does not get stolen, but it still does. Companies swear they are handling our data securely and ethically, but they don’t. The theme here is Web 2 issues arise from the fact that the internet operates on this paradigm of Centralization.
Centralization is the problem, or benefit, where all things are routed through one area. In the argument that web 2 is failing, it makes sense that it is because hackers know exactly where to aim their attacks. These centralized servers are essentially pots of gold because our information is worth money to them. Not only that, but it’s also a pot of gold to the companies themselves; companies, too, sell our information, but with the guise that it’s to *air quotes* better enrich our lives *end quotes* through advertisements.
That all sounds like a dystopian model of operation. But we, the users, get the benefits of speed and ease of use from the way things are now. Web3 on the other hand is gearing up to solve all these problems natively and Functionland is a prime example of that.

Functionland’s “Spirit of Web3”
Have you ever run out of storage on your Google One account or your iCloud? If you’re like me and record everything, including whole concerts, then you ran out of storage quick and had to arbitrate which videos to keep. Functionland’s goal is to make it so you can have virtually infinite storage, at a lower cost (but don’t quote me on that, I don’t work for them).
Back in March 2022, Functionland’s massively successful IndieGoGo campaign brought us the first true manifestation of “the Spirit of Web3” (as I like to call it). This startup achieved their funding goal in only 5 minutes and crowd funded half a million dollars in two months of it being open. The biggest draw was decentralizing cloud storage and passive income to owners.
The “Spirit of Web 3” is aligning your company and your product to adhere to three core ideas:
- Open source everything and operate in a transparent and trustful way.
- Natively support the pillars of decentralization: security, data ownership, and censorship resistance.
- Bridge the gap between Web2 and Web3 experiences for everyday users.
Most companies find niches in the blockchain space and could never accomplish the third point by themselves. But Functionland ticks all three boxes. All of this would be powered by the FxBlox devices that 876 original backers will passively host from the comfort of their homes. Some people bought more than one, but everyone will have the chance to be a FxBlox owner. (More on that at the end!)
Functionland will bring cutting-edge file sharing protocols with encryption, to store data securely. They created a custom blockchain for the orchestration of the Bloxes and securing the network. And they’ve created open-source apps that will form the basis of how everyday users will interact with their own data on the network. These apps are still in the works, but their mission from the beginning has been to fullfill this ‘get it and go’ experience.
All of this work is to create this future where we don’t have to struggle with mass customer information theft. Or even companies unethically peering into our souls and constructing deeply personal profiles on us. *Coughs Facebook*

What’s the Future like for Functionland?
I don’t work for the team, let alone am I involved in their internal meetings. But the way I see it, the way forward is through developer onboarding and content creators. Being able to get the devices into the hands of owners is great, but what will people be able to do with them? The ecosystem won’t exponentially grow, without the help of third party apps.
If you are a Blox owner and want to learn what you can do with your Blox, check out this beginner’s tutorial. Create a NAS with Your FxBlox: A Beginner’s Guide Series | by Fierro Labs | Sep, 2023 | Medium
One day in the future, there could be a marketplace of Blox compatible apps. Next-gen social media sites, would respect the privacy of all users, by default! Accessing your personal data could happen globally and quickly, because of data redundancy and only you would be able to access it. The core idea of “decentralized cloud storage” is one that applies to all users of the internet and is meant to disrupt the current way of doing things. Blox owners would be providing the storage infrastructure, but the users would be producing the data that needs to be stored somewhere.
The FULA network is going to be the name of their blockchain. It will serve as the orchestration method for data redundancy, encryption, and, of course, consensus. That’s an oversimplification, but it will serve as the backbone for when users interact with Blox-backed storage applications. And it will help create an economy where open-source developers and content-creators are compensated for their work.
I firmly believe that “decentralized cloud” could eventually become synonymous with Functionland’s FULA network or “Blox-backed storage”. Especially since they seem to be the first true attempt at creating a large scale, user-owned network. We are at the earliest stage in Functionland’s growth, and Blox owners will be greatly compensated in the future for HODL’ing. Developers will serve as a catalyst for innovation on the Blox infrastructure if history is any indication. And Functionland will go to the moon, because they will embody the “Spirit of Web3”!
If you are passionate about the future of web3 and the possibilities it may bring. You can join the fight by getting a FxBlox of your own at shop.fx.land.
Summary: The theme here is Web 2 issues arise from the fact that the internet operates on this paradigm of Centralization. In the argument that web 2 is failing, it makes sense that it is because hackers know exactly where to aim their attacks. Functionland’s “Spirit of Web3”Have you ever run out of storage on your Google One account or your iCloud? ConclusionI firmly believe that “decentralized cloud” could eventually become synonymous with Functionland’s FULA network or “Blox-backed storage”. We are at the earliest stage in Functionland’s growth, and Blox owners will be greatly compensated in the future for HODL’ing.
Keywords: storage, fxblox, data, blox, future, web3, users, network, way, answer, web, functionlands
Source: https://medium.com/@fierrolabs/what-is-web-3-functionlands-the-answer-2436f9b847c0